Saturday, January 5, 2008

Welcome to how to take care of your rabbits

This website is for you. How to learn how to take care of rabbits.This website will help you understand more about rabbits i hope you will take in lots of notes and then you can start to be more caring for your rabbits.

Hutches for rabbits

You can get lots of hutches for rabbits but some of them are too small so the rabbit cant run about so when you are going to buy a hutch for your rabbit check the size of your rabbit first then you can get a hutch that is perfect for your rabbits.

All types of rabbits

As you can see there is lots of rabbits there is Rex,Floppy eared and lots more other kinds of rabbits the only rabbits that are not pets are the wild rabbits that you might see running in a field.

How to tell if its a male or female rabbit

These pictures show a male and a female rabbit the first picture shows its a female as it only has a small gap between the the two holes and the second picture shows it is a male because it has a long gap between the holes.So if you ever wonder if your rabbits are a male or female just remember that a male has a long gap between the two holes and a female has a small gap between the holes.

Food for rabbits

Give your rabbit.......





5.Their normal rabbit food

How to groom your rabbit

1.You must have the proper tools.

2.You should have brushes and claw clippers for rabbits.

3.Brush your rabbits fur gently not to fast or rough.

4.When you are cutting their claws dont go to fast as sometimes it can hurt the rabbit.

How to make your rabbit happy

1.Give your rabbit lots of claps

2.Take them out and hug them

3.Give them some treats

4.Take them out in the garden for some fresh air

5.Always feed them and give them water.